Film transfer

How much to Digitize 8MM Film to MP4 or DVD ?

8 mm Film Silent or with Audio

Reel SizeCost per ReelRecording Media
3 inch Reels, 50 Ft$40 USB Drive
Additional $15, will hold 2 Hours of footage
Additional $25 , One Disc will store upto 2 hours of Footage
Both USB and DVD
Additional $40.

5 inch Reels, 200 Ft$90

7 inch Reels, 400 Ft$120

Converting film to digital format,
there are additional costs involved due to the extensive post-processing required.
Editing, cropping, stabilizing, and upscaling the footage all require significant time and effort.
Furthermore, to achieve high-quality results, our machine captures a single photo of each frame,
which also adds to the overall processing time.
We have recently acquired a new machine capable of transferring Super8 MM films with sound.

A sample of an 8mm film transfered to USB
To give you an idea of the quality we deliver,
here's a couple of examples of the transfer of 8mm film.

This 8MM film was shot around 1960 , on KODAK 8MM film at Guildford Paint factory which was located at the Guildford train station.
Music track added after.

This 8MM silent movie film was transferred for a customer of mine, he was happy for me to post it on YouTube, Thankyou Colin. It is filmed in 1956, held at Albert Park Street Circuit and features footage of a Sir Stirling Moss .

 How much is Film to Digital
Details about the Reel Diameter vs film length and Aprox running time
Reel Size3 inch,
7.6 cm
5 Inch
7 Inch
Amount of Film
15 Metres
60 Metres
120 Metres
Playback time
(@18 fps)
Aprox time to
convert the film
30 Minutes100 Minutes180 Minutes
We guarantee all of our work.

Security and Peace of Mind

When you leave your items, a detailed booking form is filled out, with Job number, Amount of Films and your Contact details.
We all take great care in handling your precious memories stored on your tape/films. Your items are handled in person from Store to Processing lab.
When I get your tapes to the LAB , I label every tape to the job and confirm the quanities and types.
For Digital USB transfers ,some extra added security ,
A backup copy of your recording is on our Server for up to
90 Days, in case you need to replace your copiy.

Security and Assurance

Rest assured, your precious memories are in safe hands.
Each item is meticulously cataloged upon arrival, and sealed in a bag ,keeping them secure from storage to processing.
For added security during digital transfers, we maintain backup copies of your recordings
on our systems for up to three months after delivery.

Page last updated:
Subject to change.